This specific series began on All Hallows Eve, 2013. The artwork features a different approach than my pen and ink work, as no pens are used at all. Instead, ink is applied to glass or wood, and then applied to the paper. Additional work is added using pieces of cloth, a brush, sticks and wood, as well as the hand. The focus is on the mood and atmosphere....the abstract subjective presentation of the art leaves room for the viewer's mind to make up parts of the image itself. There are hints and ideas presented, but no conclusions.
I hope to express something old in the world, and personal to myself as an artist without guidelines,
or borders. Visit the gallery in the future to find the rest of the series when it is completed.
I hope to express something old in the world, and personal to myself as an artist without guidelines,
or borders. Visit the gallery in the future to find the rest of the series when it is completed.